Find High Quality, Furnished Apartments in Grand Rapids

by | Apr 1, 2013 | Real Estate

It can be a little difficult to find a good apartment, let alone any good furnished apartments in Grand Rapids. The area offers quite a few choices in available apartments. A renter should always take the time to carefully plan out the search parameters beforehand. By doing so, this can end up not only saving a lot of time but also by saving a lot of stress and headache during the apartment searching process. A confident and informed decision can then be made.

When searching for potential apartments to rent, it is always wise to be flexible in the search requirements. A search should never be limited to just one and only area. There may a great apartment community just around the corner that is just as nice or offers even better amenities. Being flexible in search parameters will mean not missing out on any potential suitors for apartments.

Amenities Available with Apartment Communities
In regards to amenities, there are several options that should always be carefully considered when comparing apartments. Some of the available amenities for furnished apartments Grand Rapids include swimming pools, fitness centers, laundry facilities, additional storage areas, a community center, or even free wireless internet. These amenities are often overlooked when doing a comparison but can really offer a lot of extras in potential value. An entire decision should never be based solely off the monthly rental price for the apartment.

Why Choose a Furnished Apartment
When comparing apartments, one thing that should always be taken into consideration is whether the apartment is furnished or not. Most apartments do not come fully furnished but the ones that do offer some value that is appealing to some. There are benefits to having a fully furnished apartment like not having to go out and purchase furniture in order to move in or even reducing the amount of time needed to move into a new apartment because the furniture is already inside. Now a furnished apartment does cost more per month on average, but considering the cost of furniture it is worth the small additional cost.

Another option that some people need consider when renting an apartment is whether there is subleasing allow. A sublease is the ability to have more than one person in an apartment paying rent. Each person is then responsible for his or her portion of the monthly rent. This is a great way to reduce the overall cost of living. Not all landlords or rental companies allow this, so it is always wise to check ahead of time.

Before signing a contract, a renter should always read the entire contract. Particular attention needs to be paid to the penalties associated with the breaking of a rental agreement. Some may require an additional month’s payment in order to get out of the rental agreement.


Cambridge Partners, Inc. operates locations in both Kentwood, Wyoming and in Grand Rapids, Michigan with six locations in total. Cambridge strives to exceed the industry standards of apartment rental communities and offers affordably priced furnished apartments in Grand Rapids with a variety of models to pick.

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