Benefits of living near Central Park

by | Feb 22, 2017 | Real Estate

Whether you’re a single professional, just starting a family or a retiree, living in New York can be a dream come true. With so many things to see and do, you’ll never be bored and finding apartments for sale near Central Park can give you a lifestyle that most people only dream of. Here are just a few benefits of living near this world-renowned location:

  • Have a picnic in the park: There is nothing more romantic than packing a picnic lunch and heading to the park. Bring a blanket and lounge the afternoon away taking in the scenery and sunshine.

  • Early morning runs: No need to go to the gym when you live near the park. Go for an early morning run and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Watch out for the wildlife along your route!

  • Play Frisbee with the kids: Forget spending the weekend indoors in front of the TV. Get outside and play some Frisbee with the kids.

  • Sheep Meadow: This is a great place to get your tan on; this designated quiet area prohibits loud radios and music (and dogs). This is an ideal location to think and just be.

  • Children’s zoo: Your kids will love spending an afternoon at the petting zoo; it’s a great family fun adventure.

  • Skating rink: No need to bundle up inside in the winter with Central Park’s skating rinks so close by. Put your skates on and have some family fun!

  • Enjoy some entertainment: Musicians, jugglers, theatrical productions and more are found aplenty here. There is so much to do you’ll want to visit the park every day.

You’ll find plenty of apartments for sale near Central Park and for good reason; it’s a great place to live and raise a family. You have the best of both worlds – surrounded by skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle of the city; and a park that provides residents and tourists with plenty of entertainment and quiet time.

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